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Letters to the Editor: Library vote

November 13, 2014

Library vote

I have been reading letters regarding the library for a while, mostly in support of the referendum and two that asked us to be realistic. It is always about needs versus wants. I am an avid user of our library and all my Library needs are served by its present size. Our Library building has to be safe and up to code therefore I support the repairs that are needed.

In present, tough, economic times it is absurd to spend 3.8 million dollars (more than double the original cost of the library) on expansion. The bond will never be off our taxes and future increases will be on top of this bond. Over the past 5 years, library budget has increased by an average of over 4 percent while the school and municipalities are held to a 2% cap. I live very close to the library and don’t see the traffic that all supporting letters mentioned.

We should ask ourselves if we owe a place to study, to children from New Windsor. Why do we need listening stations? Of course, Storm King School supports the expansion because they contribute nothing to the tax rolls of our two communities. I live in Cornwall-on-Hudson, not in Scarsdale or Harrison.

Why are we having an independent vote? It should be voted on with the school budget. How many senior citizens will be able to get out and vote? The vote is on a weekday when most tax payers are working.

I urge you to analyze the situation for yourself by visiting:  

• 3,300 additional square feet
• New roof, sprinkler system with other necessary repairs
• Expanded community room with maximum seating capacity of 112
• Designated local history room
• Dedicated teen room
• Increased gallery space for local artists to display their work
• Four meeting rooms to accommodate local groups”

How much expansion do we need?
I will vote yes to repairs and no to expansion if the referendum was split.

Here are some projects to consider:
· Veteran’s tax break
· Recall of furloughed teachers and programs
· Sand’s Ring homestead renovation
· Roads need to be paved
· Athletic field renovations
· Future potential cost of NYMA property

Vishwa Chaudhry


Sand's Ring homestead renovation is a must!

posted by Kate Wright on 11/14/14 at 2:05 PM

I agree, wholeheartedly with Vishwa Chaudhry!
Dictionary says-Library 1)A collection of books pamphlets, etc. 2) A building or room housing such a collection.
We have a community room right next door in Munger Cottage--why do we want to spend $1,000,000 or more to build another. We have a great library and a great crew running it. If it ain't broke--don't fix it!Let's keep it that way--a library!

I have no problem with all the other items in the proposal----but the addition of a meeting room is, in my opinion as a taxpayer, not necessary.

posted by Al Mazzocca on 11/14/14 at 2:29 PM

I would recommend everyone read the Pattern for Progress discussion brief on the overall decline in school enrollment for our region of the Hudson Valley. The truth is that we are on a downtrend for student population growth. With that as the backdrop, I believe common sense should prevail with any proposed spending. Do we really need it now? What about in five years? Of course repairs have to get done in order to protect the asset, no argument there but the remaining items should be scraped at this time. We have multiple school facilities that at about 2:30 pm in the afternoon everyday, sit empty. Why not utilize this idle space for extra library activities? Here is the link to the report:

posted by PETER MALONE on 11/14/14 at 4:42 PM

Thank you for encouraging people to review the facts about the upcoming referendum vote. The project was proposed based on a community survey which 100's of Cornwall residents participated in. The fact is that the usage of the library is up 142%. The Library often has to turn away patrons and programs that we cannot accomodate. The population that we serve, which includes parts of New Windsor, has increased by 15%. The library's resources are an asset to all school children in the Cornwall district as well as seniors, teens, families and residents regardless of income level. The bond for the current building was paid in 2013 and due to historic low interest rates the proposed new bond will cost taxpayers a similar amount- about 75 cents a week.
I do encourage everyone to vote on Tuesday, Nov.18th. The polls are open from 7am-9pm, the same hours as the school budget vote. All costs for the library are voted on independently of the school budget to allow voters to evaluate the budgets on their own merit.
The Library is one of Cornwall's greatest assets and I hope that you will join me in making this investment in our community.
Susanne Vondrak

posted by Susanne Vondrak on 11/14/14 at 4:54 PM

To address the letters of Vishwa Chaudhry and Al Mazzoca:
I am surprised and dsimayed by the timing of your letters. I think it would have been very helpful if either of you had attended any of our information forums concerning the proposed referendum. To correct just a few of your mis-statments: The fact is that we retired the first bond in 2013, so to say a new bond will always be on the books is false and sensationalistic. The library is an independent agency and has always had a separate budget and vote. All budget votes-national, village, school, etc. are held on weekdays when people work and this has never been an issue-why do you suggest that the library is scheduling a vote on an inconvenient day or time? I am glad that the library meets your needs at present, but it is our mission as trustees to act as stewards for the community and responsibly meet the needs for the future. The way to do this is to proactively put forth a plan and a means to achieve this plan-which we have done so judiciously and prudently. To do otherwise would put the library in the position of "reaction" rather than pro-action, and defeat the purpose of planning.To say that if it "ain't broke-don't fix it" is simplistic and to use an antiquated definition for a library is misleading. A modern library is SO much more than a repository of books and pamphlets. And last of all, Cornwall schools buildings do not "sit empty" after 2:30 pm-they are utilized for student clubs, sports, extra help, etc.
NOW is the best time financially to borrow money, with interest rates at historic lows-lows that are scheduled to rise with the next session of Congress. It would be irresponsible, given the library and community needs to NOT borrow in a well-planned and prudent fashion.
I hope that voters will join me on Tuesday, November 18 and vote Yes for this necessary and well thought out referendum.
Elisabeth Hellwege

posted by Elisabeth Hellwege on 11/15/14 at 4:00 PM

Just when we thought we had the school budget under control we now have a library whose spending and budget is skyrocketing. The current library is by any standard a new structure, less than 15 years old. To put an additional tax burden on Cornwall residents is unconscionable. If these tax burdens continue you'll have no choice but to be a life-long resident of this town because you'll never be able to retire or to sell your home.

posted by Ed Dolan on 11/15/14 at 10:11 PM

I did not and will not attack people, by name, who disagree with me. This person's attack on Vishwa and myself, for stating our opinions, was "bush league" (another outdated saying). You say our timing was bad. You didn't mention the timing of letters in favor.
Adding a larger meeting room should have been a separate item.
Yes, I know libraries have kept up with the changing times and agreed with that part of the budget. You said voting no would be irresponsible. What is irresponsible is adding a very expensive, unneeded, building addition to our tax bill. Your letter should have spent less time attacking individuals and more time explaining why the addition was a good idea.
Al Mazzocca

posted by Al Mazzocca on 11/16/14 at 10:32 AM

In my view, this is absolutely the worst time to borrow money for luxury items. Library expansion is not critical to sustain life, repairs to the building are.
Please vote according to your views.

posted by Vishwa Chaudhry on 11/16/14 at 8:43 PM

Did I read the Cornwall Local correctly. The library has hired a public relations firm for several thousand dollars a month!! For what??

posted by Susan glendening on 12/31/14 at 8:13 PM

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