American Legion Honors Veterans
Photo by Jim Lennon. Cornwall American Legion Post #353 Commander Pete Kurpeawski (far right), Dick Randazzo (far left) and Jim Klein (center right) present American Legion award to U.S. Navy E5 Ortiz (center left) for his Military Service to our Nation. |
Photo by Jim Lennon. E5 Ortiz, with his father Rafael, holds American Legion Award at Painters on Friday January 02. |
February 04, 2015
from Jim Lennon
Friday evening, January 02, Cornwall American Legion Post # 353 held a meeting at Painters and honored two Military Veterans with awards for their service to our nation.
Honored were Col. John Hussy, U.S. Army, who completed 5 deployments between Iraq and Afghanistan, and to E5 Yazmann Ortiz, who, on his first deployment, was meritoriously promoted to E5 Second Class.
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