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General News: Cornwall Police Bust Marijuana-Growing Fields

A police truck hauled away some of the 105 plants seized in fields off Route 9W.
A police truck hauled away some of the 105 plants seized in fields off Route 9W.
August 10, 2010

Police from Cornwall, New Windsor, and the state police are looking for the suspects who planted three fields of marijuana plants off Route 9W near the border of New Windsor.

Cornwall police chief Todd Hazard said that officers from his department tracked down information leading to the fields where a total of 105 marijuana plants, most of them four-to-five feet tall, were growing. Units from the New York State Aviation Unit, the New York State Police and the New Windsor police raided the fields on Saturday, August 7th.

Hazard said the plants weighed more than 550 pounds and had the potential of yielding marijuana with a street value of over $300,000 had they reached full maturity for a fall harvest.


I am all for supporting your local farmer, but this is pushing the whole 'Buy Local' thing too far.

posted by J Klein on 08/11/10 at 7:06 AM

Yes, now the pot smokers will have to buy their weed from the Mexican drug lords who are slaughtering hundreds of people in their attempts to control the drug trade. When is the Gov't going to wise up? Legalize it, localize it, control it, and tax it. Prohibition didn't work either.

posted by Kate Benson on 08/11/10 at 9:39 PM

No, Prohibition indeed didn't work and here's a great book about it "Last Call" by Daniel Okrent. Lots of people got rich working around the Volstead Act. This unpopular law came to an end because of many reasons but one big one was that the bootleggers were making all the money and the Gov't couldn't collect any taxes on illegal alcohol! Interesting read. Perhaps NYS could fix some of it's woes by legalizing Marijuana and taxing it? We certainly haven't stopped it's use by arresting people.

posted by Bill Clark on 08/11/10 at 10:30 PM

...and I will advertise it!

posted by Stephen Sywak on 08/11/10 at 10:54 PM

Kate, I'm still waiting to see some positive words from you one of these days like nice job by the Cornwall Police for developing this info and taking this ILLEGAL drug off the streets and away from the area children. By the way the last time I checked the Village and Town of Cornwall was in the USA and not Mexico. If we can control this on a local level then maybe that slaughtering you speak about wont happen in Cornwall.

posted by Stephen Bedetti on 08/13/10 at 7:29 AM

What a waste of police resources. local law enforcement should focus on more serious violent crime not a field of herbs. Marijuana prohibition costs 10 billion a year yet the amount of people who use it are increasing dramatically. The Government should wake up and regulate marijuana similarly to alcohol. That way we can collect revenue and hopefully have better use of law enforcement.

posted by Chris Cortland on 08/13/10 at 9:48 PM

Wow, are these actually adults writing these words.

posted by Stephen Bedetti on 08/14/10 at 6:19 AM

Yes Mr. Bendetti

These comments were left by responsible, hard working adults who are fed up with worrying about losing their jobs, pensions, housing, and possibly children over a botanical that is overwhelmingly less harmful then alchohol in both health and social standards. As well as having been scientifically proven to retard cancer growth and help those with cronic pain that do not want the horrible side effects that pharmicudicals guarentee.

If taxed, it would bring into this state alone, millions, yes, tens of millions in revenue. If regulated, would be sold behind a counter where children would not be able to get it. When is the last time you saw a child in a bar? Regulation would take the profits out of the hands of degenerates, think, less people on welfare wearing $150 sneakers and driving $50,000 cars.

Prohibition of alchohol did not work in the early 1900's it created more harm then good, it gave us Al Capone, and countless deaths of innocent people who got caught up in the cross fire. Prohibition of cannabis has given us the Mexican druglord problem and over $28,000 deaths in the Northern Mexico/Southern Texas/Arizona/New Mexico region in just the past 2 years alone.

posted by Richard Bachman on 08/14/10 at 9:05 PM

strike the $ in front of the 28,000 deaths

posted by Richard Bachman on 08/14/10 at 9:08 PM

posted by Richard Bachman on 08/14/10 at 9:44 PM

Mr. Bachman it's Bedetti please strike the N in my name. Just to give you a little back round I am one of those hard working cops involved in the above stated case. The day it becomes legal I will treat it as such. Until then I will continue doing my job in keeping this illegal drug off the street. If you would like to talk more about this issue I'm sure by now you know how to get a hold of me.

posted by Stephen Bedetti on 08/15/10 at 8:07 AM

Mr. Bedetti, "if we can control this on a local level" that would indeed be a good thing. As Mr. Bachman elaborated so well above, that is exactly what we should be doing. And, if you read my post, you will see that in no way am I disparaging the officers who are simply doing their jobs. My comment was directed, as you can see, at the government. And yes, we are in the USA however we are bound to the drug trade and it's accompanying violence by the demand for it, much the same way we were subject to the violence of the whiskey trade during prohibition. And keeping the slaughter out of Cornwall is a great idea, but what about the people stuck in the middle of this mess in Mexico? Aren't they worth preserving as much as our own. Or is it because they are across a border we don't have to care?

posted by Kate Benson on 08/15/10 at 7:39 PM

Mrs Benson I apologize if I misunderstood your original statement. Other officers as well as I get frustrated when we stop something like this and get nothing but negative comments and posts.

posted by Stephen Bedetti on 08/16/10 at 12:16 PM

MR.BEDETTI, I HONOR YOUR COMMITMENT and Honesty, I don't mean to offend you or any other local officers for simply doing your job, However this is an extremely controversial topic in society. I honestly believe that there are many officers who are in support of the War on Drugs , however the ones who are against it are usually scared to speak out against it. To say that you are successful in keeping away cannabis from local children from busting a few grow operations is extremely misleading. We are in the middle of a warzone due to our demand of drugs. you can bust the supply of drugs ,but your doing nothing to decrease the demand. I hate to see officers life's in danger over a foolish policy. I encourage to speak out and don't be quiet. Just because its the law doesen't make in right

posted by Chris Cortland on 08/16/10 at 11:03 PM

Decrease the demand by making it legal. It works in Holland, It will work in Cornwall. Besides,when have you ever heard of a drug dealer asking for ID?

posted by Chris Cortland on 08/16/10 at 11:29 PM

I guess Im late getting in on this one. but with people still driving drunk, cell phones and text messaging while driving, quite frankly Im concerned people will take it for granted that its still an impairment and smoke while and be stoned while driving.

posted by j h on 08/17/10 at 11:21 AM


Phillips has manufactured an on the spot, handheld drug detection device that uses saliva to accuratly measure the amount of any specific drug in a persons body and the math can be done from there as to time since ingestion vs applical laws.

As for an increase of DUI of cannabis, legalization in theory should procuce no more intoxicated drivers then there currently are now. Either you do it or you dont, it's all about responsibility, all I can say is the majority of canabis smokers know when they are to high to opperate a vehichle as cannabis does not hinder discretion like alchohol does. In the following link you can see where the author has sited studies where DWI accidents involving Alchohol & cannabis combined VS. only cannabis use is overwhelmingly in favor of those who consider cannabis a safer alternative to unwind from lifes doldrums.

copy/paste this into your browser.

posted by Richard Bachman on 08/17/10 at 4:04 PM

Officer Bedetti

While I do not know you personally, I am friends with quite a few law enforcement officials locally, and my prior comments are not ment to discourage our local PD's. In fact I have been known to support vocally in this forum our village PD and the exeplary job they do and the need for thier existance.As with Kate, I too am fed up with the governments position on this subject, although NY seems to be on the upswing as current legislation is being considered for medical cannabis dispenseries and licencing application has already been accounted for in this years state budget.

If I came off as a smart alec in my 1st post to you it was before you revealed yourself to be a PO. In reguards I understand your view with that info, and respect you for your stance as it is your job. Although there are lobby groups of fellow and retired officers who have formed LEAP (law enforcment against prohibition) who are brave enough to lay their reputations on the line for a better cause, I understand the need to do what right by your oath to uphold the law, right or wrong.

In closing, I fully expect to get a knock on my door any time now as I a sure it has come off that I am some sort of degenerate pot smoker through my comments, which is farther from the truth as I do not personaly consume cannibus, I am just an staunch advocate as I have seen with my own eye's a handful of times where someone in pain did or could have used it to ease their suffering and either were in fear of the law complicating their lives further ontop of the missery they were in. Also I feel as a Liberetarian that the state has no right to tell people what they can and can not do with their bodies as long as they do not hurt another in the process. Which with the info available online today, cannabis has been irefutably proven to reletively harmless compaired to other socially accepted practices such as alchohol and even aspirin.

And no I am not the Jones fellow who attacked you. I could muster up a better name then that if I wanted to. ;)

posted by Richard Bachman on 08/17/10 at 5:20 PM

Let me clarify my last paragraph. I did not mean to imply the pot smokers are degenerates. i was mearly implying that I a not a sterotype. And for that matter most cannabis consumers do not fall into the Cheech & Chong stereo type either. Matter of fact a few people in this town would be surprised at how many well respected individuals in this community alone partake in it's use. Heck Barry the wonder President was only one arrest away from being Barry the criminal just like any of us would be if we had political backers looking out for our best intrest's. Hell Bush was a coke head.

posted by Richard Bachman on 08/17/10 at 5:44 PM

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