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General News: Mayor Differs on Board, Dept. Changes

April 09, 2010

Cornwall-on-Hudson building inspector Bruce Yancewicz was back on the job Thursday, two days after the board of trustees voted against his re-appointment. Mayor Joseph Gross said on Friday morning that he consulted with the New York State Conference of Mayors that told him the position is his to appoint and that the board of trustees approved his hiring last November, “and on that basis, he is still here.”

Mayor Gross also said that he is reviewing the appointment of Lee Murphy to his seat on the planning board. He said that he has received some confidential advice on the subject, but his preliminary determination is that it is the mayor’s right to appoint members of the planning board, subject to board approval.

On Monday evening, board member Mark Edsall moved to re-appoint Murphy to a new term on the planning board and three of the five members of the board approved it.  Mayor Gross had tried to introduce a new candidate for the seat, Chris D. Neighbors, but failed to win support for the move.


I think that Mayor Gross needs to think VERY clearly before he makes any changes to the Planning Board that would add yet another person who either contributes VERY LITTLE or is there to support Joe's personal agendas. Good people in these positions cannot do their jobs when these kind of appointments occur.

posted by Pamela Hawks on 04/09/10 at 11:02 AM

Did C-o-H become a dictatorship while my back was turned?

posted by Gary Regan on 04/09/10 at 1:12 PM

I asked Mayor Gross on NUMEROUS occasions if he would have the portion of the Municipal Lot that the parents and children K-4 grades use(appx 4 feet) to be shoveled during the winter. This year he again listened to me and the next thing I knew he put up 2 x 4's blocking this entrance/exit that was MUCH safer for the parents and kids. Now the kids must enter/exit where the cars do during inclement weather. All parents of the children attending COHES know exactly what I mean.

This showed me how mean and vindictive a person Mayor Gross really turned out to be. I was an early believer of Mayor Gross and he got my vote and my wife's. NEVER AGAIN. And Joe we know the real reason you waanted Chief Williams OUT don't we? Your very words to me when you were first running indicated your animus to me about Chief Wiliams and that my friends in NOT slander but the honest truth. I said nothing, but the Mayor got what he wanted. Now Lee Murphy who put in countless hours contributing to the Comprehensive Plan to be treated this way also disgusts me. Remember if Mayor Gross decides he doesn't like you, well, you may be his next target.

But tell me Joe what did the 5 to 10 years old kids do to you to deserve your vindictiveness.

Patrick Welch

posted by P W on 04/09/10 at 2:49 PM

I know the cut through that you refer to , Pat, it's a liablility thing. As soon as someone says "someone's going to sue" to a town/village official, it is a threat that must be taken seriously. Witness the number of lawsuits that the town and village have already had brought against them. I am surprised that Ring's Pond hasn't been filled in yet because every year a two year old falls in it. The diving board was removed from the pool for the same reason, this is also why we don't have a skate park.
Chief Williams is a nice guy, Pat, but ..(comment edited here) when I came to him with a legitimate complaint his reply was "I can pretty much talk my way out of anything" well, that is exactly what he did.

posted by Kate Benson on 04/09/10 at 7:47 PM

I am compelled to offer another opinion of Chief Williams; in my personal experience he was vigilant, compassionate and did more for our communtiy behind the scenes than most will ever know. I am in a postion to state absolutely that Chief Williams protected our youth and thier families and I will always be grateful for his service to our community. I also have personal experience coming to you with a legitimate complaint Ms. Benson; and what was your reply? Really now.

posted by Regina McGrade on 04/09/10 at 8:58 PM


Our Mayor took no action until his 2nd term when he put up those 2 x 4's. I resorted to shoveling it myself(5 minute job). As soon as he was reelected I asked again about it, he listened, and he said he would see what could be done.

Did he get this "liability thing" advice from the same Attorney that said to just shut peoples water service off if they don't pay their bills? My younger brother, who is an Attorney got a good laugh at that and wanted to know what Law School he attended. Thank goodness the Water Dept Head had more on the ball then our Attorney.

Kate, and how long had that exit been in existence? So just as Our Mayor started his 2nd term & on the cusp of winter he decides to block it off. Does this make it safer for the kids? I think NOT. I also believe that there is a much greater Liability issue facing the village now that everything is out in the open.

Regarding Charlie Williams and C-O-H P.D. I think their restraint regarding the skateboarders was uniquely small town and handled perfectly. The kids did damage the steps on COHES as anyone can check out for themselves. The PoliceOfficers showed remarkable restraint which I for one am proud of as I still remember those younger days myself. No Chief Williams was second guessed at every turn. I hope Our new Chief stays on Mayor Gross's good side or he'll feel the heat next. I'm a neighbor of our Mayor and just can't hide my disappointment because he is not the man I thought he was. That is just my opinion but a little thing like a 5 minute shovel job and a handful of salt sealed my opinion of our Mayor.

posted by P W on 04/10/10 at 10:15 AM

I think this is all too personal. the Mayor needs to ignore Welch and do what the mass public wants to Keep it up Mayor.

posted by j h on 04/10/10 at 6:37 PM

Regina? I'm not the Chief of Police. And if I could have gotten a permit for it I would have erected a 20 foot fence between our properties. It's all yours, I'm done.

posted by Kate Benson on 04/10/10 at 7:25 PM


The Mayor can ignore whomever he wants.In fact he does. We elected a new trustee by a wide margin. 200 people voted ONLY for Trustee Kane to insure the board would have a 3-2 majority. My wife and I were 2 of those 200. The writing is on the wall for next March. The Mayor HAS ignored me and ALL the kids who used a safer entrance/exit to COHES. Sure you may not care about the kids. The Mayor also, obviously doesn't care. I do. It's as simple as that.

posted by P W on 04/10/10 at 10:51 PM

Being this is an issue involving the children at the school, if you haven?t done so already, wouldn?t you want to contact the school principal instead of the mayor? Even if the spot you describe is on municipal property, it involves the children at his school. I?m sure he would want to know the concerns of the parents. It sounds like he would be the proper person to discuss with.

posted by NIna Swankie on 04/11/10 at 8:31 AM


Quite a coincidence as that is the first thing Mayor Gross said to me when I first mentioned it to him. With furred brow, he stated(paraphrasing)>>>Let COHES do it. They have a larger budget then the village.<<< COHES does a wonderful job on the school property. This ISN'T School Property Nina it's a Municipal Lot leading to a Village Street. This issue lies squarely with the Village. The Mayor is adamant NOT to do it so he blocked the exit right after his reelection.

Mr Schmidt has enough on his plate without having to drag him into a responsibility that is the Village's. Mr Schmidt, BTW, has done an exemplary job running COHES. His shoes will be hard to fill. I would not think of bothering COHES when it's a Village issue. The >>>proper person to discuss with.<<< Nina is the Mayor. He spoke LOUD and CLEAR in taking the action he did.

Patrick Welch

posted by P W on 04/11/10 at 2:12 PM

The village dpw during a snow and after have a lot on their plate and a walkway which shouldn't and a matter of fact is not a walkway its a cut through and shouldn't be open to pedestrian traffic in which I believe it is blocked from use. I would petition the village if indeed a safe walkway is needed in that location.

posted by J Buescher on 04/11/10 at 7:16 PM


Yes, you walk so no big deal for you. There are others who drive. FACT IS this exit has existed a LONG time. All of a sudden after Mayor Gross's reelection he boards it up. This IS DPW's job and should be foremost >>>on their plate<<<.

>>>Shouldn't and a matter of fact is not a walkway its a cut through and shouldn't be open to pedestrian traffic.<<<

J.B are you an Attorney? Can you cite this as fact or is it an opinion? If you can cite the code what is it? It's been in use so long it belies your arguement.

>>>Petition the Village<<< This is a pretty small village and a 5 minute shovel job to keep young kids safe is not too much to ask.

It was quite the big deal a few years back when you accused someone on your road of speeding and coming too close to your son. Yes, it's important when it's your son but anothers, well lets >>>Petition the Village<<<

posted by P W on 04/11/10 at 8:40 PM

When Mayor Moulton ran the Village there was never this dissension. He ran a professional and smooth government and was always the consummate gentleman. Looking back I long for Mayor Moulton's leadership.

I believe we were all scared by the debt which decided his fate.In hindsite this debt wasn't quite the boogeyman it was made out to be. The yearly payments are bringing down this debt and would have no matter who had been mayor. Every municipality carries some debt. Our water source was the majority of the debt which may pay off over the long term.

Different Mayors/ different personalities. Mayor Moulton had a great rapport with his department heads and frankly I never heard a single negative word about him until our current Mayors first run for office. There was the spread of rumours of backdoor deals, unfounded, and in my opinion untrue. Dissension began its life in the Village after Mayor Moulton left office.

Now we have businesses and individuals foiling one another(Freedom of Information Law) to find out negative information on one another. People working for the Village fear for their jobs. Even Burns and Whalen, a great contactor who have created beauty out of blight in our community have been maligned. Anyone who has lived in the Village since Mayor Moulton left knows when all this began. It's all very sad.

posted by P W on 04/12/10 at 5:01 AM

It takes a while before the Cronyisms can be dis-engaged. Sure things were smooth....

posted by j h on 04/12/10 at 3:53 PM

Mr. Welch,

Maybe, in part, it started when you began obsessing about the Mayor shoveling a 4 foot patch of snow at the edge of municipal lot for you?

posted by Ted Warren on 04/12/10 at 4:12 PM


Actually it began when I caught a mother who was toting two small boys as she was falling down due to the snow not being shoveled. I saw a safety hazard and wanted something done. Obsessing? If it were a child or person you know would it still be >>obsessing<<?

posted by P W on 04/12/10 at 4:49 PM

Well if it not school property and is not an official walkway that is part of the municipal lot either, it seems like fencing it off was actually a logical decision given the potential liability issues. I would also think the Mayor of COH has more important things to worry about.

I only mention obsessing because this is like the third time on this forum you?ve referenced this patch of ground, the snow, the Mayor, the children, etc.

If you want an official pedestrian right of way that will be cleared of snow by DPW, why not go about the process of petitioning to request one?

posted by Ted Warren on 04/13/10 at 10:36 AM


>>>I would also think the Mayor of COH has more important things to worry about.<<<

Ted to me NOTHING is more important than the safety of our children. I should think the Mayor would feel that way too. I was wrong. Apparently many don't care. That's sad.

posted by P W on 04/13/10 at 11:13 AM

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