Cornwall on Hudson photo by Michael Nelson
July 27, 2024
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General News: Package Theft Alert

December 10, 2020


ATTN: Cornwall-on-Hudson & Cornwall residents: Over this past weekend, residents in the Church Street, Wood Avenue and Clover Court neighborhoods, report that they had delivered packages stolen from in front their houses.

Unfortunately, especially during the holidays, people a.k.a "Porch Pirates", take advantage of the increased package deliveries as a crime of opportunity.

If at all possible, it's recommended that you have a package that you're expecting be delivered to a friend, neighbor or relative who's generally home during the day, or request to have delivered packages placed in an area not easily viewed by others or have the package(s) delivered to your place of employment. Also, consider installing a Home Security Video Device such as "Ring."

On behalf of the Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson Police Department, be safe, healthy & vigilant and have a Happy Holiday Season!!

Chief Steven E. Dixon
V/ Cornwall-on-Hudson PD


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