Cornwall on Hudson photo by Michael Nelson
July 26, 2024
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General News: Notes from the Town Board Meeting

February 17, 2020

Cornwall Town Board Meeting 2/10/2020
By Lia Ramirez

The town will no longer collect recyclables placed in plastic bags. It was recommended that instead of plastic bags, the town residents use cardboard boxes to collect and disregard recyclables if they want the town to pick it up.

Building Projects
The Planning Board is considering the proposal for an apartment complex limited to age-restrictions (meaning residents can only be fifty-five or older). Christina Amato from Cornwall Commons explained that this project would bring in an estimated $1.5 millions dollars annually for the community as there is a growing market for this kind of project. The town lifted a moratorium on new land-use approvals that was put in plus in November 2018. There are currently over 20 projects waiting to be reviewed by the board.

Tennis Courts
A grant has been received to replace old tennis courts; the town believes completion of this project should happen around July 2020.

Greensboro Bridge
The Greensboro Bridge should be completed by August 2020; town residents were told that a delay in paperwork has kept the project from being completed.

Zoning Review
Town residents were concerned about the lack of access to zoning regulations for the public. Complaints were made that it was hard to follow zoning changes. Residents recommended that maps should be provided and updates should be more easily accessible on the Internet. The board considered these suggestions and will resume the discussion at the next Town Board meeting.

Main Street
A general consensus was found from the public being firmly against first-floor apartments along Main Street. The board will consider it.


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