The JB-3 Trio
Photo by Jim Lennon. Concert at the Bandstand in COH. |
Photo by Jim Lennon. The JB-3 Trio (Jeremy Baum on organ, Myles Mancuso on Guitar and Chris Redden on drums) . |
July 12, 2013
from Jim Lennon
The JB-3 Trio (Jeremy Baum on organ, Myles Mancuso on Guitar and Chris Redden on drums) play instrumental soul and jazz at a free concert at the Bandstand in Cornwall-on-Hudson on Wednesday evening.
The concert, originally scheduled to be held Tuesday evening but postponed due to severe weather, was a rain date performance.
Free concerts are held every Tuesday at 7pm (rain date Wednesday) at the COH Bandstand throughout the entire summer.
Bring a lawn chair and enjoy the great music and companionship (children are welcome).
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