Cornwall on Hudson photo by Michael Nelson
July 27, 2024
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The Red Door

The Red Door.  Photo by Tom Doyle.
The Red Door. Photo by Tom Doyle.
May 24, 2011

Photographer Tom Doyle is looking for a new name for this photo, which he has tentatively titled "Red Door."  

Click on the image for a larger view.


I suggest: Matthew 7:7 as a possible name for your photo.
Elsa Cameron

posted by Elsa Cameron on 05/27/11 at 9:33 PM

Thank you Tom. That is the door to our church, St. Thomas Episcopal in New Windsor. The door was painted red to increase visibility and draw attention to our beautiful little church (seats 80). It is on the historic registry of New York. The congregation is 300 years old. The church was built three times, the first two were wooden and burned down. This version is constructed of stone that was quarried from Mount Beacon when the tunnel across the river was being constructed. The stone was brought across on barges. This building is over 150 years old. It is the proud home of a Roosevelt pipe organ, stained glass windows by Tiffany & Co. and Maitland Armstrong, whose daughter also designed one of the windows; significant because this was typically a 'man's job'. Over the altar is a canvas mural by ?? Ziegler which features angels with the faces of members of the congregation at the time it was painted (70+/- yrs ago)This weekend, 6/18, we are having a springtime yard sale, COME ON DOWN!!!! The church will be open for tours, we have the carpenter's kitchen for snacks and all the good stuff you could possible ever need or want :-) Thanks again, Tom!

posted by Kate Benson on 06/16/11 at 10:18 PM

My Great Grandfather was a minister at this church. It is a beautiful picture. Tom, can I get a copy of this photo? I would like to give it to my mother.

posted by Laura Branham on 05/26/12 at 8:53 PM

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