Deer in My Back Yard
Deer in My Back Yard. Photo by Carol Stein |
Deer in My Back Yard. Photo by Carol Stein |
February 08, 2011
Carol Stein recently took this photo of a deer herd that frequents the back yard of her home off Union Avenue in Cornwall. She writes: "Today we counted 52 deer camped in our yards. Here is a representative picture. I really need a panoramic shot. Even that wouldn’t do it as they were on three sides of the house, relatively close together though. It’s crazy. I used to have a family of seven or so, lately it has been around 20 and now 50!
Click on the image for a larger view.
I wonder how much trouble it would be to get hold of some of those wolves that are doing so well out west?
posted by J Klein on 02/09/11 at 7:25 AM
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