Rock Slide on Route 218. Photo by Bob Anderson. |
December 03, 2010
That would make one heckuva hood ornament...
posted by Kate Benson on 12/06/10 at 11:52 PM
kate u are a crazeeee lady. I hope it opens soon.
posted by Walter Dorritie on 12/07/10 at 8:32 AM
I remember when my Dad saw a really big rockslide in his rear-view window. He was driving little little red VW Bug on 218 on the way to work at West Point. The MPs were pretty excited when he pulled into the gate - they'd just heard there was a slide. This was around 1970.
posted by Ruthanne Schempf on 12/07/10 at 7:09 PM
Yikes! 218 Roulette!
posted by Bill Clark on 12/22/10 at 10:20 AM