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General News: Board of Ed Candidates Statements

May 17, 2010

Michael Conmy

Why are you running for the school board?
The Board of Education is responsible for helping to shape the futures of our community's children. Also, it is responsible for a vast percentage of our community's tax dollars. Thereby, I am inspired to run for a seat on the board, both as a father of three children under the age of six and as a concerned citizen of Cornwall.

Throughout my career, I have developed skills in negotiations and fiscal responsibility that I believe are crucial to success. I think it is a benefit for our community to have professional men and woman with experience in managing large budgets to use their skills on the school board.

I am invested in the futures of our children and this community, and realize the impact that our board of education has on our future. I have proven myself to be fiscally responsible both in my private and professional life.

What is your top goal for the Cornwall Central School District?

My primary goal for our school district is to maintain a high standard of education, along with a balanced budget. Our schools need to offer children with varied skills, talents, and dreams -- as well as exceptional ability and limitations -- a challenging and well-rounded education. While determining cuts to a budget, we should be critical of one thing: are we putting our children's education first? If we are in difficult economic times in our country, then it stands that we may need to be more conservative with our school budgets. However, our priority needs to remain: are we putting our children's education first? That is, every child in our district, all of whom are exceptional both in our special needs classes and our higher learning classes.

Diana McNally

Why are you running for the school board?
I am running for school board because now that my children are older, I have the time and energy to make a commitment to the position, which I believe is important for our community.

What is your top goal for the Cornwall Central School District?

My top priority for the school district is to be attentive to keeping the budget in line, keep an eye on the taxes, while improving communication. I believe the school district and the board can improve communication with all members of the community – seniors, kids, or parents of kindergarteners – and get their input on the budget and to help set the direction for the district. Some people don’t have internet access and many people don’t have the time to go to meetings. We need to reach them and explain the importance of maintaining quality schools.

David Moretto

Why are you running for re-election to the school board?
I am running for my second term in order to continue to assist the Cornwall Central School District in maintaining it's high academic achievement in Orange County as well as in New York State. Being an active Board member for the past three years has exposed me to some of the problems facing the district and I feel that I can continue to be a valuable contributor to this district and help with the continuation of quality education and athletic opportunities for our students.

What is your top goal for the Cornwall Central School District?

My top goal is to deal with the district growth through maximizing personnel (staff) usage and assisting in improving facilities (both structurally and athletically) for district and community use.

Melanie Mulroy-Robinson

Why are you running for re-election to the school board?
I am running for the school board because I have a strong commitment to the education of our children and an equally strong commitment to the taxpayers of Cornwall. I would like to continue to contribute to the process of collaborative problem solving and respectful compromise that will be needed to meet these commitments in the challenging times we are currently facing.

What is your top goal for the Cornwall Central School District?

My top goal for the Cornwall Central School District is to maintain the excellence of our educational programs and the quality and quantity of opportunities available for all of our students, while preparing fiscally responsible budgets.

Thomas Scileppi

Why are you running for the school board?
I am running for the school board because as a parent with four children in the school system I am deeply concerned that the children in our district receive the highest quality education. As a taxpayer who has seen our school taxes and school budget increasing every year, I am deeply concerned about where those dollars are going. I have attended many of the school board budget meetings and have become alarmed about the direction and plans they have for our tax dollars. Firing existing teachers and librarians and cutting important programs for our children while hiring more administrators (i.e. a vice principal) seems counterproductive to me. There seems to be many creative ways to raise money for the district and more frugal ways to spend taxpayer dollars that have not been explored or tapped. Rather than sit back and complain about these things, as a man of action, I decided that I should try to do my part in bringing solutions and so decided to run for the school board.

What is your top goal for the Cornwall Central School District?

My top goal is to maintain and increase the quality of education and the opportunities for the children. For years now, ever since "No child left behind" was instituted, the focus of schools has been to lower the bar, lower standards, so that children who may not be as gifted pass through the system. The whole system is geared towards mediocrity and not towards challenging the average or above average child. All children are hurt by this because the ones who may need more time to get to the standard get swept through the system and the gifted are not challenged at all. For over five years our school district has not even had a gifted program. What kind of a hope for the future does our society have if our brightest children are not pushed to their potential? If elected, I hope to be an advocate for all children to get the best education while keeping costs and spending down for the taxpayers.


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