Cornwall on Hudson photo by Michael Nelson
February 18, 2025
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Baby Snapping Turtles

Bill met this momma, or poppa, last spring.
Bill met this momma, or poppa, last spring.
He found the hatchlings in a drain pipe.
He found the hatchlings in a drain pipe.
When he saw how small and seemingly defenseless they were,
When he saw how small and seemingly defenseless they were,
he picked each one up
he picked each one up
and released it at the pond.
and released it at the pond.
October 07, 2009

You may remember the prehistoric-looking snapping turtle that Bill Braine found in the driveway of his Cornwall-on-Hudson home last spring.  Well, nature has its way of turning even lumbering giants into gentle parents, if you judge by the tiny hatchlings that Bill and his family discovered in his yard this past weekend.

Bill reports that they carried the tiny turtles to the pond while hungry crows waited for the chance. With luck, his drive will be overrun next year by the adolescent snappers looking for adventure

Click on any photo for a larger view.

(All photos by Bill Braine.)


Good for Mr. Braine for being so kind-hearted and saving the lives of these little guys. At Cornwall Library we're most fond of the alligator snapping turtle that migrates from the woods to the pond each spring, and back to the woods in the fall. I'd just bet these are her babies!

posted by Beth Texter on 10/09/09 at 8:40 PM

Way to go!!!!! Cornwall needs more people like you :)

posted by Linda Carella on 10/09/09 at 11:19 PM

One correction; we (my wife actually) found them on the lawn...what looks like a drain pipe is a bucket we used to carry them to the small pond they were heading for. Yes, these are offspring of the one from Rings Pond, we assume, as we live right next to the library. Couldn't find where the momma had laid the eggs, though.

posted by Bill Braine on 10/10/09 at 1:28 PM

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