Cornwall on Hudson photo by Michael Nelson
July 26, 2024
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Washington Monument

Washington Monument.  Photo by Tom Doyle.
Washington Monument. Photo by Tom Doyle.
September 27, 2009

Tom Doyle sent in another photo, this one of the Washington Monument.

He writes:
"I was in Washington, D.C. recently, where I went to the Lincoln Memorial end of the reflection pool and took this shot of the Washington Monument.

The weather was cloudy and the light was very flat but I decided to set up at the edge of the pool and wait. It was 5:30 when I framed this shot and took some sample shots hoping that the clouds might open a bit. A little after 6:30 the sky started to open and I got the attached about 10 minutes later when the clouds behind the Monument started to glow. I think its a keeper, Enjoy."

Click on the photo for a larger view.


Tom, This is a beautiful shot -- well done! ~Heather

posted by Heather Lupo on 09/28/09 at 10:00 AM

Great shot Tom!

posted by Julia Lawrence on 09/28/09 at 11:22 AM

Of all your beautiful photos, this one in extraordinary! A keeper in my album, thank you!

posted by Marina Topken on 09/28/09 at 4:15 PM

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