Cornwall on Hudson photo by Michael Nelson
July 26, 2024
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Seasonal Photos

Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
Photo by Kenny Bates.
January 15, 2009

Kenny Bates sent in these photos to share with readers, along with a note about each one:

Photo (1 ) Bet no one can guess where this photo was taken.

Photo (2) Same shot, different season.

Photo (3) Fall at the Trestle.

Photo (4) Same shot, different season.

Photo (5) Looking for eagles south of the Bear Mt. Bridge.

Photo (6) Ever wonder where all the dear went in bad weather ?

Photo (7) This photo was taking from the Storm King Golf Course looking west toward Schunnemunk Mountain.


Were photos of dam taken in Storm King Clove?

posted by Warren Mumford on 01/15/09 at 4:20 PM

Sorry, Both Dam Photos are the same place but difference season.This Photo was taken at the, OLD RES,My swinning hole when I was a kid in Highland Falls on Mtn.Ave

posted by Kenny Bates on 01/24/09 at 4:30 PM

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