Highland Falls Memorial Day Ceremony
Mayor Flynn of Highland Falls |
June 18, 2015
Highland Falls Memorial Day Ceremony
On May 25, the Village of Highland Falls held its annual Memorial Day Ceremony at The Memorial Park on Main Street. The West Point Military Police Department members attended the event to represent the Color Guard and Firing squad. The ceremonial speakers were Highland Falls Mayor Pat Flynn, military veterans Mario Scolaro, Bob Livsey, Ed Magryta, and Brockport ROTC Cadet Yemajha Caraballo. The Music playing during the event was conducted by The Herman Wright Youth Drum Core, which was lead by Kenwood Denard. The Fort Montgomery Fire Department, The Highland Falls Police and Fire Department , O’Neill JROTC, Highland Falls Boy scouts, and veterans from around the Orange County area to paid their respects and give thanks to our fallen brothers and sisters.
Photos provided.
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