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General News: Trustee Kane Denounces Smear Campaign

March 27, 2012

By Charlie B. Scirbona

What started as a quiet final board meeting for outgoing Village Trustee Barbara Gosda ended with a condemnation of her re-election campaign by Village Trustee Jim Kane on Monday.

The meeting went by without incident, no one spoke during public comment periods and the board acted on the agenda in a business-like fashion. When the time for board members to comment, they all thanked Gosda for her work. Deputy Mayor Mark Edsall conceded that they hadn’t always seen eye-to-eye, but still thanked her for all her contributions to the village.

Charges Two Trustees With Distorting Truth

Kane did thank Gosda for her service to the village, especially with her work during the
CSEA negotiations. However he continued that he was disappointed in what he called a smear campaign against him by Gosda and Village Trustee Andrew Argenio during the run up to the election.

“While I’m not surprised that that Mr. Argenio did it, I was a bit surprised that you took the low road with him,” said Kane. “Neither of you had the decency to ask one question, you could have walked right into village hall and asked ‘did Mr. Kane submit any documentation regarding working twenty days in a month for an entire year?’”

The week before the village election fliers appear on utility poles around the village that seemed to show Kane was submitting time sheets showing he worked 20 hours a week to be counted towards a pension. This was found to be a clerical error, and Kane hadn’t submitted any documents.

Kane continued by saying that Gosda didn’t care about the truth, but only her personal agenda. He then turned his remarks completely toward Argenio.

Kane Says Fellow Trustee Misrepresents the Truth

“As for you Mr. Argenio, you clearly have a credibility gap that began when you became a village trustee,” said Kane, listing off different situations where he felt Argenio had misled the public. He started with an incident last June when Argenio publicized that Route 218 would be open to hikers on a certain weekend when no road closure permit had been issued. He added that Argenio had misrepresented facts concerning the air quality tests at the DPW building and criticized Argenio’s previous comment that the DPW building was a “club house.”

Kane also declared that he would deal with Argenio every time he felt his fellow trustee was misrepresenting the truth.

“I promise you I will not issue insufferable letter after insufferable letter about it, but I’m going to make sure they (the community) know the facts,” said Kane. Throughout his remarks, Argenio interrupted Kane by repeating the word “civility.” When Kane finished his remarks, Argenio said it once more, which caused Kane to retort.

“You can graduate from grammar school anytime, Andrew,” Kane said. Kane’s comment drew laughter and applause from the crowd of village residents looking on.

Argenio and Gosda Respond

Argenio also brought up a banner seen in the village that supported Kane while claiming that Gosda hated the village. The two began an argument that was quickly broken up by Village Mayor Brendan Coyne.

At the end, Trustee Gosda did respond to Kane’s statements.

“I think that you have sunk to a new low at a village board meeting, and that will be the extent of my comments,” said Gosda.


Congratulations to Mr Kane and Mr Russell.

Mayor Coyne: I would like to see an unedited video of the meeting mentioned in this letter. Going forward I would like the village to tape the meetings and post the video on the village website. I will also contribute towards the cost of purchasing a video camera to be used for this purpose.

posted by Vishwa Chaudhry on 03/27/12 at 5:43 PM

Hmmm. I was not at the meeting to witness all of this drama but I think it is despicable that Mr. Kane addressed an outgoing trustee in such a rude and classless manner. Anyone who knows Barbara Gosda even a little bit knows that she is a person who genuinely loves our village and has its best interests at heart, and deserves nothing but respect and gratitude for her service to our community. And while I am not a fan of Trustee Argenio, I think it is pretty disgusting that Trustee Kane behaved in such a combative matter toward him right off the bat in this first board meeting after winning the election. One gets the distinct sense from reading this article that this new board will not be getting much accomplished at its meetings besides bickering and squabbling. How dare you waste my tax money on this nonsense! Mr. Kane, don't you dare come to my door asking for signatures in the future. You are not welcome.

posted by Allison Arcangel on 03/27/12 at 6:57 PM

First. Vishwa Chaudhry, that is an EXCELLENT idea. I would also like to contribute towards the cost even though I'm not a village resident. Second. Trustee Argenio claims to have seen a banner that supported Trustee Kane AND says that Mrs. Gosda hates the village? How did I not see that banner when I spend approx. 80 hours a week in C.O.H?

posted by james horne on 03/27/12 at 7:50 PM

What I did see is a banner that SUPPORTED Mrs Gosda. A banner that asked residents to VOTE for Mrs Gosda.That banner didn't state ANYWHERE that Mrs Gosda hates the village. That statement by Trustee Argenio is just another example of him twisting the truth in his favor. I hope that the village voters remember actions like this from Trustee Argenio next March.

posted by james horne on 03/27/12 at 7:58 PM

Mr Chaudhry It takes more than money to put the video on line. It takes a lot of time. I believe mr Kane promised to do the videos while he was running. Why should the village pay to put video up if he promised to do it? The people have spoken. Kane should live up to his promise. Come on mr Kane i want to see unedited video also.

posted by Andrew Argenio on 03/27/12 at 8:33 PM

Why should Mr Kane post videos when such an honest concerned Trustee Argenio is claiming to already be doing it? Trustee Argenio filmed and posted every meeting for the last two years or so and when there is finally a meeting that was honoring our local volunteers there was no video camera to be found by him.

posted by james horne on 03/27/12 at 10:01 PM

Thank you Mr Chaudhry for your concern and dedication to the Village of Cornwall. The residents need more people like you to speak up and expose the truth.

posted by james horne on 03/27/12 at 10:07 PM

There certainly was a HUGE banner plastered on a truck right smack in front of the gazebo that stated Gosda "Hates the village". I I saw it in all its nasty, childish glory one fine COH morning
( what pleasantries to be had right after one awakes from peaceful dreams) Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't exist.

posted by Ivy Levinson on 03/27/12 at 10:32 PM

Election is over. Same old nonsense. Ivy - Mr. Horne saw the sign, it was hung on his truck. He certainly isn't anyone that I would like supporting me if I was running for public office. Having said that, let's start new. The winners won and the losers lost. They are all still residents and our neighbors. Let's start fresh with the past in our rearview mirror and only the future with lots of promise and hope in our sights.

posted by Robert Basil on 03/28/12 at 9:35 AM

Yes, the election is over and the new board will take over on April 2nd. Let's hope the the newly elected trustees will truly practice civility...which is what they campaigned on...and not the awful display that was exhibited the other night at the board meeting. Only the future will tell for sure.

posted by Jan Smith on 03/28/12 at 10:23 AM

This is amusing.

1. It's undisputed that Argenio/Gosda collaborated to smear Kane on that retirement system business.
2. When confronted, Argenio demanded "civility". Apparently, when Argenio smears you, you're must take it. Addressing undisputed facts is uncivil!
3. Argenio then deflects attention from his undisputed conduct, and then demands that Kane handle the videotaping. Nice misdirection!
4. Gosda's reaction to the truth is to refer to it as "a new low". God forbid anything should be dealt with directly. We should all be passive-aggressive! 4.I understand Messrs.Kane and Russell had involvement with the banner. While one might disagree with them, look at the history here: Kane and Russell ran a calm, positive campaign.
5. Note Argenio's response to being called out: Redirect attention to the banner- to which he likely knew Kane had no connection. Why would that excuse his own bad behavior? It's like when a child says "But Mom, Johnny did it too!"

Nonetheless, let?s look toward the future.

posted by Doug Vatter on 03/28/12 at 11:47 AM

Doug - You are part of the past and in the rear view mirror. However, I can't help but think that maybe you are part of the future as well. If we all gang up on Argenio maybe he will resign and the mayor can appoint you to fill out the vacancy. Maybe history is destined to repeat itself.

posted by Robert Basil on 03/28/12 at 2:21 PM

I find nothing 'amusing' about our
village 'politics' for a long time - just concerning.

posted by Elsa Cameron on 03/28/12 at 2:25 PM

Why does Mr. Mayor allow Mr. Kane to go on a verbal tear into a fellow Board Member yet will not allow others to speak at meetings? Perhaps Mr. Mayor needs to rethink the way he conducts 'business'. Shame on Mr. Kane.

posted by Melissa Stoffa on 03/28/12 at 9:16 PM

Boy, am I sorry I logged on to this page. It makes me sick to my stomach.

posted by Rick Gioia on 03/28/12 at 9:33 PM

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