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General News: Update from BOE April Meeting

May 03, 2018

Board of Education Business Meeting
Thursday, April 19, 2018
By Hannah Comitz

Public Comments:
Mr. Randazo, from the town board, addressed the school board about school security. Mr. Randazo feels that there needs to be a program that integrates our community with the police department. The town board would not mind doing the extra work so that security could be handled well.

Assistant Superintendent Of Instruction :
Lynn Imperato is going to be the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction. One of the members wanted to hear more of her plans for the school. Many of the the other members objected to this extra discussion about the position nomination because it was not the boards responsibility to interview anyone for a position except for the Super Intendant. Mrs. Imperato was the committees choice so many other members were unsure about the one members comment about the process.

New Positions:
There is a new social worker being placed in the middle school.
Taylor Bert will now be a permanent English teacher at the high school after her great dedication as a fill in teacher for half of the year.

Tenure Recipients:
Justin Swisher teaches business at the high school. His classes have a strong working and learning environment and he knows his topic very well. These classes are valuable for all students because they learn business skills that can be used in real life. Swisher is also a coach and always helps where he is needed.

Barbara Horne is a music teacher at the middle school. The Super Intendant said her chorus concerts are very entertaining and she has shined as a musical director for the middle school plays.

Katherine Abels is a special education teacher at the middle school. All the students in her class are always enthusiastic. Her teaching skills are incredibly effective. Katherine and her family have been a great part of the school district and with this appointment she continues the legacy.

Joelle Aguilar is a teaching assistant at Lee Road Elementary School. She has helped in multiple places throughout the district. Her students get the extra benefit of two teachers because she has her teaching certification.

Keith Baisley is a school media specialist. He has brought technology into the classrooms. He has taken fear and worry away from the students and teachers. He has also brought coding to the district and is instrumental in the new STEAM program.

OCSBA Report:
On Wednesday, May 2nd the committee will be discussing free speech and education.
On Wednesday, June 6th there is a dinner honoring retiring board members. There will be multiple guest speakers throughout the night.

Ana Martinez:
The 3rd and 4th grade students worked to complete the two day ELA exam. The Safe School Ambassadors from the high school spread a message of anti-bullying and kindness to all schools on April 19th. The new COH playground will have a community build on April 29th. They are in need of man power for this project, so the committee head said to look on the Facebook account for information. The construction is occurring next weekend with help from the community.

Sam Delacruz:
The Science and Tech expo was held on Wednesday, the 25th. The students learned about healthy food choices during a health lesson. The students had the opportunity to ask questions to the SSA members while the ambassadors were visiting their school.
The French and Spanish students came back recently. Each group was immersed in different cultures and made unforgettable memories. The play Sister Act went very well. Thanks you to all who attended and worked on the the unforgettable performance.

SBAC Committee:
Jim Congelli spoke about the SBAC committee’s recent project. They created a survey about the school budget. The people who want to complete the exit poll survey have the opportunity to on their computers and chrome books. This helps the board gain information on the community’s feelings about the school budget. It is shorter this year and there are no numerics.

Outreach committee:
These type of meetings are great opportunities to talk with board members and they hope to have more and continue this next year.

Communication Committee:
They will start putting information out after the budget vote. The board members will be filling out a biography and picture on the website so the community knows a little more about the members.

Policy Committee:
The committee is trying to tackle the task of monitoring the flow of people in and out of schools after hours. There may have to be a community discussion and inclusion in the budget possibly to deal with this. They hope that there will be discussions with the community to figure out an answer, whether that’s volunteers to a paid position.

The board said thank you to the $690 that was donated from the Hannafords Helps Schools program.

Budget Update:
This is mostly a summary about the entire progress because the board approved the budget.
There were no extra retirements. After hours security costs have been included as a precaution. This extra cost does not put the budget over the tax cap. If this $50,000 is not used it will be given back to the community as lower tax rates next year.
One member believed they were not informed and did not have enough conversations on this topic. Other members disagreed and feel comfortable and understand this topic because of the numerous conversations had during executive sessions. There is $224,524 budgeted for five district wide school resource officers. The budget is in full compliance with the “tax cap” or tax levy. If your house had a market value of $450,000 there would be a $30 increase in taxes. If the budget is defeated on the May 15th voting process, then the board has one more opportunity with this budget or they can adopt a contingency budget. If it is declined again they have to adopt a contingency budget. The budget was ultimately passed. The budget vote is on May 15th from 6am-9pm at the Cornwall Central Middle School.


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