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Letters to the Editor: Quakers Dismayed at Re-Naming of Avenue

October 06, 2009

To the Editor:

As members of the Cornwall Community and of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), we are saddened by the renaming of a section of Quaker Avenue. We understand that many wish to recognize General Petraeus as a local resident who has become important on the world stage, but to re-name Quaker Avenue for any military figure or symbol dismays us.

Quakers have long held to a testimony of peace, seeking to live in such a way as to remove the causes of war. Our experience has been that the Spirit triumphs over weaponry, and that love can conquer the fear and hatred that drives us into battle. Historically, the Quakers have been conscientious objectors and have actively resisted war initiatives on all levels. In addition, the Quakers settled Cornwall and two of our town’s oldest buildings are the Sands Ring Homestead (David Sands was a Quaker) and the Quaker Meetinghouse located on Quaker Avenue.

A more appropriate road would be state highway Route 218 that leads from Petraeus’ hometown, Cornwall –on – Hudson to his alma mater West Point. Another possible alternative would be to name the traffic circle in Cornwall, which is currently nameless, for General Petraeus.

The Cornwall Monthly Meeting


I read Carol Durkoin's letter in which she suggest the traffic circle park. I think that it a much better choice than sticking a tag up on a pole, as she says, "an empty gesture". I vote for the traffic circle.

posted by Kate Benson on 10/06/09 at 11:28 PM

sorry, Carol Durkin - I was typing in the dark...

posted by Kate Benson on 10/06/09 at 11:29 PM

I think it's far more appropriate to rename the traffic circle in honor of General Petraeus. If the point of the country is to protect the Quaker's way of life,m then I think a goodly part of that should also be to respect theri way of life.

Besides, most of our country's recent wars are, I think, best represented by the symbology of a traffic circle, anyhow.

posted by Stephen Sywak on 10/07/09 at 10:07 AM

I'd like to echo Stephen Sywak's thoughts on this issue, annd throw out another vote for renaming the traffic circle in honor of General Petraeus.

posted by Gary Regan on 10/07/09 at 10:13 AM

I agree that the circle would be more appropriate -- the Quakers have a point -- and it is such a small stretch of road -- rename 218!

posted by Brian T. Fiorio on 10/07/09 at 10:14 AM

Share your views with County Executive Ed Diana, who, with the touch of his pen, can ratify the action taken last Thursday.

[email protected]

posted by Jon Chase on 10/07/09 at 10:55 AM

If people are going to email the County Executive, please consider asking that it be the traffic circle. Rt 218 is a historical road that is already named after the mountain it was built on. There is a story behind the "storm king"

posted by Melissa Vellone on 10/07/09 at 2:31 PM

I am a Vet and agree that the circle would be more fitting to be named after Gen. Petraeus. The circle would represent the globe that are military is trying to police from all angles.

posted by George Kane on 10/07/09 at 10:00 PM

The circle is not a bad idea, but I believe that it is not under county jurisdiction. I do not know whether the historical association of Chadeayne is still connected to the circle area. Well-taken is the point about naming Rte. 218 for Gen. Petraeus, but that would take cooperation from the State, and that can be a very slow process, combined with having just the right combination of legislators in both houses. Incidentally, there would be three eldest buildings in Cornwall connected with the Friends, but it has long been suspected among Orthodox families that members of the Hicksite (surviving) house, in their Friendly way, burned down the Orthodox Meeting House and would not permit the meeting to use their building.

posted by Mel Johnson on 10/08/09 at 2:46 PM

Rebuild the bridge on bridge street and name that after him.

posted by j h on 10/09/09 at 10:35 AM

You gotta love Mel's post!
I also remember the circle being called Chadeayne circle. There was a barn there and the house on the hill between Continental and Angola Roads was the homestead.

posted by Kate Benson on 10/16/09 at 11:29 PM

i think leave Quaker Ave alone as it is in Town and change Ave A to Generals Ave as that is actually where he is from. I live there and I would be willling to change my street's name for patriotism. thanks

posted by alice hall on 11/25/09 at 7:29 AM

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