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Letters to the Editor: Traffic Circle Better Choice to Honor General

October 06, 2009

To the Editor:

As a member of the Religious Society of Friends in Cornwall and as a resident of Cornwall on the Hudson, I am surprised at the choice of County Route 107, Quaker Avenue, to be renamed after General Petraeus. I can only imagine that this is a serious mistake on the part of county officials who must be acting out of lack of knowledge of the local history of Cornwall.

Our community was settled and developed by Quakers. The Sands of Sands Ring Homestead were among the original settlers. Please be aware that Quakers are historically pacifists and resist war. To remove the Quaker name and replace it with a war hero is ironic. Seeing that this action was passed two committees on September 16th and 17th and then only approved October 1st on the county level, it seems very rushed. It gives the community very little time to react and suggest alternatives.

I have been reassured by several people who have discussed the matter with (county legislator) Alan Seidman that this is not really a “renaming”. That the name will be only placed on a sign on Route 32, but will not affect the local residents or street name. Either the county is really honoring him or it is not. There is no honor bestowed upon him if the name of the road is not changed. What is really being achieved by this empty gesture?

I realize that General Petraeus is in town and that there are ceremonies scheduled for Thursday. I would suggest that naming the county park at the traffic circle in his honor would be an appropriate compromise. This would be a genuine monument that the community frequents during seasonal gatherings. Not only would this convenience those who live on Quaker Avenue from confusion, but it would help retain some of the local history.

Carol Durkin


A more appropriate candidate for naming after the general would be the triangular park with the monument, cannon and howitzer; or maybe the adjacent road ("Veterans Way") at the base of the triangle.

posted by Scott Mathews on 10/06/09 at 11:58 AM

I think Carol makes an excellent point and suggestion also. I vote for the traffic circle, assuming of course that the citizens have anything to say about this ..

posted by Kate Benson on 10/06/09 at 11:32 PM

I totally agree with Scott! The symbolism is much more appropriate!

posted by Emily Thomas on 10/07/09 at 9:39 AM

Share your views with County Executive, who, with the touch of his pen, can ratify the action taken last Thursday.

[email protected]

posted by Jon Chase on 10/07/09 at 10:55 AM

Kate you make a valid point - "assuming of course that the citizens have anything to say about this..." Did I miss being asked for an opinion or a vote on this? All your ideas are great. I'm writing to the County Executive hope alot of us follow Jon's lead.

posted by Lana Beesecker on 10/07/09 at 4:08 PM

It is surprising to me that the claim is made that Quakers settled Cornwall. From 1686, if the settlers were churched at all, they were Presbyterians, viz: the Bethlehem Presbyterian Church of 1729. The Quakers evangelized Cornwall in 1772-3 (just in time for the Revolutionary War). For over a century, my family were Quakers, until one part of the family disowned the other parts for deciding that their antislavery credential outweighed their pacifist one, and the men joined the Union Army in the Civil War. American Friends can be most unFriendly when it comes to beliefs other than their own. If this gesture is "empty", why is the writer so exercised over it?

posted by Mel Johnson on 10/08/09 at 2:37 PM

Why bother naming streets after people to supposedly "honor" them anyhow? What a dumb waste of time, effort and money. Do we really think General Petraeus cares very much one way or the other if a street is named after him? Quaker Avenue is fittingly named after the historic meeting house that the road runs past. Leave well enough alone for goodness sake.

BTW, has anyone in the county bothered to ask the general or his family how they feel about eliminating one of the few remaining references to Cormwall's Quaker community?

posted by Ted Warren on 11/02/09 at 1:10 PM

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